Indonesia Mandarin G1 Light Roast 100g 猫の江ノラベル

Indonesia Mandarin G1 浅煎り 100g 猫の江ノラベル





江ノ屋では中深煎りで提供することが多いマンデリンG1ですが、こちらは酸味を残した浅煎りで焙煎しました。芳醇な穀を残したままに神と酸味の両方をお楽しみいただけるよう、KUBAN社製の5kg釜焙煎機に3kgずつ贅沢にムラなく焙煎し、デザイナーnatsume maiさんが描いた「看板猫の江ノラベル」に入れてお届けします。

Sumatra is an island in the Indonesia. There are around 40,000 small coffee farms here, each measuring less than 2 hectares. Each farm are about 60-130 people, farms cooperate each other and formed the Co-op association whose representatives negotiate with exporters.

It is transported from these small farms to ports where it is pulped and dried to a moisture level of 30-35%. After being delivered to the trader, it is dried to a moisture level of 15%. The final moist level will be 13% on the verge of export. During this process, there is a process to remove the skin of the coffee beans. In the 1980s, attempts were made to imitate fully washed coffee by removing the normally dry skin from the coffee while it was still wet, creating a unique flavor.  It’s called “Wet-Hulled Coffee”, today.

This is the secret behind the distinctive taste of Sumatran coffee. It has a fruity and wine-like acidity.

At Enoya, Mandhelin G1 is often served as a medium-dark roast, but this one was roasted as a light roast that retains its acidity. In order to enjoy both the divine and sour taste while preserving the mellow grain. We use KUBAN 5kg drum roaster yet we roast only 3kg at a time  to luxuriously and evenly roast. We deliver our beans in Eno The Cat Label drawn by designer Natsume Mai.

在庫状態 : 在庫有り
¥850 ¥750(税込)